Our Gatherings

The worship required by God is a life of trust and obedience. The believer’s whole attitude and activity in daily living are involved, not just attendance at “services”. (Romans 12:1, 2) “Gathering together” however has always been a mark of true believers. It is a vital aspect of Christian life, and must not be neglected. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)

The New Testament believers “gathered together “met together”, “assembled”. They did not “go to church”. That is, they did not go to view a performance. They wanted to be together, because together they expressed their identity as the people of God, in contrast to the people of the world. (1 Peter 2:1-9). There was a brief celebration of the Kingdom of God – where righteousness, peace and joy were the characteristics. (Romans 14:17). The gathering was for mutual encouragement, but also an object lesson for any unbelievers who might happen along, 1 Cor.14:24,25).

With the above in mind, we meet on Sundays at 10am and activities characteristic of our gatherings are:

Singing and praise. Eph.5:19. Prayer. 1 Tim.2:1-4. Thanksgiving. Eph.5:20; Co1.3:16,17. Reading of Scripture (old and new testament). 1 Tim. 4 .1 Thess.5:27. The Lord’s Supper. 1 Cor.10:14-22; 11:23-32:

Helpful, encouraging conversation. Heb.10:24 Eph.4:15,16. Friendship and support. Rom.16:16; 1 Cor.16;19,20. Teaching from the Word of God (adults and children). 1 Tim.4:2; 3:16; Col.3:16.

As part of our teaching and aid to prayer we have special mission times with visiting missionaries. An important focus of our celebration gathering is our time together over a”cuppa” where we can share with and encourage one another. All of these activities are but part of our worship and daily walk with the Lord.